With your heart beating from a jump rope, oxygen and blood reach your muscles faster and more efficiently. When oxygen in the blood is pumped throughout the body, it lowers cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health.

A 10-step jump rope machine that can be started and stopped by remote control. Levels 1-3 are for beginners. Levels 4-7 are for advanced. Levels 8-10 are for master jumpers or those who want to push the boundaries. Just like traditional jump rope, you can try different levels of difficulty. In addition, since the automatic jump rope is a remote control type, you can adjust the speed of the jump rope with a single touch.
Jumping for 10 minutes straight will burn fat and sweat. This equates to 30 minutes of running, 40 minutes of swimming and 60 minutes of yoga. Jumping can help you live a healthy life.
Free your hands and make jumping training easier. The jump rope machine can accurately display the movement data. Compared with the traditional jump rope, it is safer and more convenient without hurting people and objects around you.
Use it indoors, outdoors, in the gym, in the office or any flat place can be used. No need to worry about the limitation of the venue, no need to worry about making noise, no need to worry about the change of weather. Can be used by more than one person. Once you get used to the machine, two people or up to four people can jump together.
With your heart beating from a jump rope, oxygen and blood reach your muscles faster and more efficiently. When oxygen in the blood is pumped throughout the body, it lowers cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health.
Bone density decreases with age, which can lead to diseases such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Plus, your risk for bone fractures increases with age. Building bone density with high-impact exercise like jumping rope can reduce those risks.
Jumping rope requires fitness, concentration and good footwork. This exercise activates almost every muscle in your body while getting your heart rate up faster than many other exercises.